Ongoing projects

The transition to a circular economy in the Greater Region is an ambitious project aimed at bringing together various stakeholders to promote a more sustainable economic model. The CIRKLA project, supported by the Interreg VIA Greater Region programme and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), revolves around three main axes: society, territory and innovation, all interconnected to promote increased circularity of materials and metals. By building on cross-border synergies and strengthening smart specialisation strategies, the Greater Region aims to become a leading example in the heart of Europe in terms of resource and waste management.
Technoport is an associate partner in the ENRICH in Africa project. Funded by the European Union (Horizon 2020 programme), the project supports and strengthens the European and African innovation ecosystems by bringing together core market players from both regions. Enrich in Africa offers a range of services to incubators and accelerators, as well as the entrepreneurs and innovators themselves, aiming to provide a pipeline of activities that can support each stakeholder group to find solutions to their needs as well as engage with each other.
Closed projects

ACE: Engagement of highly innovative ICT start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs into Cross-Border cooperation and venturing
The ACE FP7 project focused on accelerating the growth of innovative ICT companies through rapid internationalisation. Entrepreneurs selected to participate in the ACE pilot programme were exposed to foreign partners and investors very early in their development cycle and were offered a tailored internationalisation support programme by a group of leading ICT clusters, incubators and accelerators. The scope was to achieve together a number of specific business development objectives (e.g. new clients abroad, business partnerships, collaborations in research, ...).

ACE Creative: support the growth of ICT innovative creative industries/SMEs
The H2020 ACE Creative project was aimed at harnessing strengths and innovation multipliers cross-border to accelerate the growth of creative industries through an integrated support ecosystem in finance, market access and technology exploitation. 100+ new and emerging creative companies with the ambition to scale were supported by international teams in order to accelerate their growth and development across Europe through access to new clients, technology partners and investors.

c-Space: turning the surrounding space around us into a creative experience
c-Space was a creative ICT project in the field of 4D content and ubiquitous media sharing, funded under the FP7 programme of the European Union. It was aimed at supporting start-up companies and innovative businesses in offering new services in mobile advertisement, urban planning, architecture, content creation, cultural tourism, etc, based on augmented reality technologies, geolocalisation, and the projection of personalised information into the surrounding space.

CENTRIC: Centre for ExcelleNce in TerRItorial management and Cadastre
The CENTRIC H2020 project was a feasibility study for the creation in Romania of a Centre of Excellence on territorial management and cadastre. The project included the preparation of a business plan and innovation strategy in the fields of 3D/4D geospatial data, linked geospatial data, land classification, remotely sensed data, etc. based on the strengths and weaknesses of the existing public, research and business-related ecosystems, as well as the needs and opportunities for collaborations and partnerships at national and international level.

DEFINE: Developing a Fashion tech Innovation Network for Europe
Technoport is an associate partner in DEFINE, a COSME project aimed at supporting interactions between technology, creative and industrial/traditional start-ups, SME and larger corporates from the fashion and textile sector in European and Associated Countries. The project will develop a network of incubators, accelerators, start-ups, SME and investors to form a European fashion-technology community where cross-sectoral knowledge will be shared, ideas will grow and transnational collaboration will be nurtured. The project offers info days, bootcamps and specific mentoring programmes to a large community of members.

DIGIBIC: a sustainable creative industries network for the deployment of research results
DigiBIC was an FP7 project focused on the deployment of best practice, tools and results from FP6, FP7 and national research projects in cultural heritage, digital libraries and preservation to the wider Creative Industry (CI) sector and in particular to small and medium sized enterprises (SME). The project created a network of industry players, researchers, support organisations and policy leaders to support the transfer and exploitation of digital-related technologies by creative businesses all over Europe.

FABLABIA: Fab Lab as an entrepreneurship supporting tool for innovation agencies
This INNOSUP coordination and support action brings together innovation bodies with experience in setting up and managing Fab Labs as a business innovation support service for SME in general and start-ups and scale-ups more specifically. Good practices from Technoport, JIC in Czech Republic and Brigk in Germany will be transferred to an international network of innovation agencies interested in supporting technology transfer and business development through digital prototyping and manufacturing services. The project shall create further potential for starting up companies but also support co-creation processes and cross-sector collaborations.

FIBIA: Fostering Inclusive Business Incubation & Acceleration
FIBIA is a project launched by the European BIC Network (EBN) with the support of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation. It is aimed at empowering business incubators and accelerators to become more open and inclusive in their service offering by tailoring their activities to address the needs of disadvantaged groups. In addition to Technoport, the project includes incubation and acceleration partners from Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom, offering tailored support services to a diverse community of clients.

i-Locate: Indoor/outdoor LOCation and Asset management Through open gEodata
i-locate was aimed at enabling the creation of innovative businesses based on indoor and outdoor localisation of people and objects. Location technologies and customised software applications were developed and tested with the involvement of users and stakeholders at 14 pilot sites in 8 European countries. Services in the field of health, business, education, culture, smart cities and public infrastructure were designed and implemented into real operational contexts. i-Locate was funded by the EU ICT-PSP Competitiveness and Innovation framework Programme.

InnoRate: Innovative technology Rating systems for investors
Technoport is an advisory board member in InnoRate, a H2020 project aimed at setting and deploying a trusted, objective and recognised service platform across the EU and Associated Countries to support and improve the decision-making processes of investors and lenders for vetting, prioritising and providing access to finance to innovative companies with high growth potential. Technoport acts as a consultation body for the InnoRate consortium by providing valuable feedback aimed at aligning project outcomes with the needs, participates in pilot activities and acts as an active ambassador for the InnoRate network.

LILA: LIving LAbs application for the internationalisation of start-up companies
LILA was an Interreg IVB project aimed at providing start-up companies in the digital economy and the greentech sector with groups of users in Germany, France and the United Kingdom, so as to get feedback and guidance before launching an innovative product or service and adapting as needed. The project was based on open innovation and co-design methodologies.
Framed in the EU program Horizon 2020, Peers to Blockchain (P2B) shares the objective of business innovation support within its framework project, and has the mission to promote Blockchain technology for the implementation in SMEs. The P2B consortium is investigating the strategic impacts of Blockchain on enterprises, capturing best practices and boosting the exchange of knowledge. P2B is coordinated by the Technology Park of Andalusia (Spain) with the contribution of the University of Algarve (Portugal) and Technoport technology business incubator (Luxembourg). In addition, about 20 international entities from Bulgaria, China, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Palestine and Russia are collaborative partners of the project.

POWER: Placement Opportunities With Entrepreneurial Reach
The project will facilitate the establishment of a coherent and sustainable ecosystem for university students which is primarily focused on high impact placements with evident entrepreneurial elements. Partners from both the academic and business worlds are brought together in order to better equip incubators, accelerators and universities to support highly-skilled current and future entrepreneurs. The project includes 10 partners from Finland, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland and Spain and will be implemented in close cooperation with over 50 associate partners, including universities, EU-wide soft-landing networks and incubators.

PUSH.GR is an INTERREG-V A project involving more than 30 partners in 4 countries. It's aimed at offering a platform to create awareness about entrepreneurship among students and entrepreneurs of the Great Region, leverage barriers to cross-border innovation and foster collaborations between start-ups, scale-ups and SME from Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Germany.
Project co-funded by European Union Funds (ERDF)
Programme website:

SATLAS: SatCom incubator
Satlas was an ESA ARTES SATCOM-APPS project aimed at supporting applicants with innovative ideas in the field of satellite-based services, with or without prior experience in space technology, to develop, prototype, build up and/or improve their products and business applications in Europe, the Middle East and Sub-Saharan West Africa. The SATLAS incubator has been successfully deployed and tested with graduates in the field of Internet of Things, optimized communications, agriculture and tourism, some of them still being supported by Technoport and SES Techcom Services for future growth and expansion.

WEAR sustain: Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible innovation
Technoport is involved as a coaching and reviewing expert in the H2020 Wear Sustain project coordinated by the Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum vzw. The project is aimed at encouraging cross-border and cross-sector collaboration between creative people and technology developers to design and develop innovative wearables, electronic and smart textiles. Technoport is providing support to the selected teams in the field of business models, IPR, partnering and venturing, user-centred design, validation trails and sustainability.